Unsure whether you should get your air ducts cleaned?
Superior Air Duct, which services Greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Youngstown, Ohio, gives you five facts you need to know before buying air duct cleaning services.
1. Most Cheap Air Duct Cleaning Offers Are Scams
You heard right. If it’s cheap, you won’t get much out of it. A common scam in Pittsburgh and Youngstown is the “$99 air duct cleaning deal.” Scammers often send out mailers offering duct cleaning for under $100.
According to the National Duct Cleaning Association (NDCA), the average duct cleaning service is between $500 to $1,500.
Because their equipment isn’t high-quality and their cleaning methods aren’t legitimate, the duct system is not cleaned properly and might even get damaged.
Aside from cheap offers, scammers will also often point out the dust on the metal grills covering the return air ducts. They use this as justification for why you need duct cleaning. However, these registers are designed to trap excess dust. It does not mean there is dust within the duct itself. It can easily be wiped down with a cloth.
In order to fool the general public, many scammers claim to be members of the NDCA. However, if you’re unsure whether or not to trust a duct cleaning company, contact the NDCA directly and ask if the company you’re looking into is a member or not.